Correr; Trotar; Footing; Running; Carrera atlética
= flow, race, running, jogging, course.
Ex: At this disclosure, a flush flowed from Leforte's cheeks to her neck.
Ex: These companies have been racing to define the information superhighway for themselves, and to stake a claim in what they view as the economic engine of the information age.
Ex: Thus in games, manipulatory skills are often exercised and extended, as for example in games that involve running, climbing or making objects -- bows and arrows, catapults, clothes for dolls, and so on.
Ex: Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease are discussed, as well as how development of coronary disease can be attenuated or arrested by a prolonged routine of jogging.
Ex: The disease is called temporal arteritis because the temporal arteries, which course along the sides of the head just in front of the ears (to the temples), often become inflamed.
* con el correr del tiempo = over the years.
* corre el rumor de que = rumour has it that.
* corre la voz de que = rumour has it that.
* correr a cargo de = be the responsibility of.
* correr a toda velocidad = sprint.
* correr como alma que lleva el diablo = run for + Posesivo + life.
* correr con los gastos = bear + the cost(s), pick up + the tab, pay + the piper.
* correr de acá para allá = rush around.
* correr de aquí para allá = rush around, run + here and there.
* correr de la cuenta de Alguien = be on + Pronombre.
* correr de un sitio para otro = rush around.
* correr el peligro de = be in danger (of), run + the danger of.
* correr el riesgo = risk, face + the risk, chance, take + Posesivo + chances.
* correr la impresión = slur + impression.
* correr más deprisa que = outrun [out-run].
* correr mundo = see + life, see + the world.
* correr peligro = be at risk.
* correr que se las pela = run for + Posesivo + life.
* correr ríos de tinta = spill + vast quantities of ink, a lot + be written about, much + be written about.
* correrse una juerga = have + a ball, have + a great time.
* correr un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.
* correr un riesgo = run + risk, take + risks, take + chances (on).
* correr un tupido velo sobre = draw + a veil over.
* correr un velo sobre las cosas = sweep + things under the rug.
* corría el rumor de que = rumour had it that.
* corría la voz de que = rumour had it that.
* corriendo con los gastos = at + Posesivo + own expense.
* de bulla y corriendo = in a rush.
* dejar el agua correr = let bygones be bygones.
* echar a correr = bolt, make + a bolt for.
* entrar y salir corriendo = run in and out.
* gastos + correr a cuenta de = bear + the cost(s).
* hacer correr la voz = spread + the word, spread + the good word, pass on + the good word.
* ir corriendo = hot-foot it to.
* ir corriendo a = dash off to, run off to.
* llevar al hospital de bulla y corriendo = rush + Nombre + to hospital.
* máquina de andar o correr estática = treadmill.
* no correr prisa = there + be + no hurry.
* salir corriendo = leg it, run off, run away, bolt, make + a bolt for.
* volver corriendo = scurry back.
* zapatilla de correr = running shoe.